Spotlight: Nathan Apolonio, Class of 2014

Gateway's College Counseling

Since Gateway High School was founded in 1998, more than 96% of our graduates have gone on to college. As our current seniors navigate the nerve-racking college admission process, Director of College Counseling, Joel Rangel, has noticed an interesting trend.

According to Rangel, an usually large number of Gateway students have applied and been accepted to the University of California, San Diego, one of the toughest to gain entry into among UC campuses.

Gateway's mission is to send well-prepared students to college and enter the workforce as leaders, innovators, and drivers of the economy. While Gateway's rigorous academic program and strength in the sciences makes the acceptance rate at UCSD understandable, why did so many decide to apply there in the first place?

Enter Nathan Apolonio, Gateway High School Class of 2014. Currently a freshman at UC San Diego, Nathan visited Gateway just prior to winter break and spoke with current students about his UC San Diego experience. Nathan's excitement about his college choice inspired a record number of students to apply to one of the world's leading public research universities.

As an Electrical Engineering major at UCSD, Nathan is stepping up to the rigor and academic pressure of a top-flight engineering program. Nathan spoke of his gratitude to Gateway's supportive faculty and staff, noting that they "helped me get through some tough times during my senior year at Gateway."

Gateway ensures that all students have access to a broad range of college opportunities and perspectives – including connecting with former Gateway students who are stepping up, doing right, and dreaming big! As of press time, at least three members of Gateway's Class of 2015 have been accepted and hope to enroll in UC San Diego in the fall.

Pictured above: Joel Rangel, Director of College Counseling, works closely with Gateway students to help them prepare for college success.