Message from Gateway's Executive Director

Sharon Olken at Gateway Public Schools

Dear Gateway Community,

I am writing to share with you how we at Gateway are responding to the culmination of a very contentious election. Coming into school yesterday, students and staff were in various stages of processing. Some focused on the data and numbers, while many expressed fear, sadness, and anger. That said, what stood out to me was a clear commitment to take care of each other. In contrast to the divisive tone of the campaign, the Gateway community demonstrated honesty, compassion, respect, and inclusivity.

At both Gateway High School and Gateway Middle School, teachers took time and made space for discussion about the election in their classes. At Gateway High School, we held an open forum at lunchtime in which faculty and students alike expressed their reactions and concerns about the outcome of the election. At Gateway Middle School, we held an all-school assembly in which we reaffirmed our school values of respect, responsibility, excellence, and community- values that feel more important today than ever.

In the days, weeks, and months ahead, we will ensure that our classrooms are places in which people are listened to and respected, and we will model for our students the kindness and compassion that we wish to see in our nation and our community. As always, we will stand for the celebration of diversity, and we will fight against bigotry, prejudice and oppression.

I am thankful for the Gateway community and for our shared commitment to building a better future.


Sharon Olken
Executive Director of Gateway Public Schools