Karen Park
Karen is a devoted mother to three amazing boys, one of whom is currently a Gateway student. Her journey to help her children reach their full potential has led her to become an expert in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), co-author research on KDM1A/LSD1 disorders, and create critical planning insights for families with disabled children. Karen has taken on the role of at-home assistant for PT/OT/Speech therapy and regular homework, as well as typing tutor to help her youngest son overcome dysgraphia. She has tirelessly advocated for a wide range of accommodations across multiple schools and has witnessed firsthand the importance of Gateway’s genuine belief in every student. In addition to her work as a mother and advocate, Karen has had a 30-year career with Wall Street firms. She is currently a Principal at Bernstein Wealth Management and previously worked as an investment banker with both Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse. Karen holds an MBA and BA from Harvard University. When she’s not working or advocating for her children, Karen loves to travel, run/hike in beautiful places, and spend time with family, friends and furballs.