Public education aims to give every student the opportunity to learn and thrive, but a majority of U.S. schools are still employing a "one size fits all" model of learning. A new report, "Redesigning High Schools: 10 Features for Success," from the Learning Policy Institute (LPI) offers a powerful evidence-based blueprint of 10 features for redesigning high schools to create learning environments that are more humane, enriching, and productive than our current factory models of schooling. And Gateway's practices are highlighted in the report!
Gateway is profiled in section five of the publication, which focuses on "Student-Centered Pedagogy." The section illustrates how measures used at Gateway such as universal design for learning, supports available to students within and beyond the classroom, and the opportunities to revise work after receiving feedback (rather than a one and done letter grade) promote student success. "A student-centered pedagogy recognizes that each student is a unique individual who learns in their own way and who needs individualized support to meet their full potential," reads the report.
This is not the first time Gateway has been featured as a exemplar school by LPI. In 2020, the organization published an extensive case study of Gateway Middle and High after researchers embedded themselves in the schools for several weeks. And in 2018 LPI released a report detailing how schools can foster achievement for all students – in particular those who need support overcoming stress and trauma. Gateway Middle and High were selected as two of only five schools nationwide that exemplify these practices and have a commensurate track record of student success.