Building a 21st Century Model: Gateway's New STEAM Center

STEAM at Gateway Public Schools

Gateway's ability to provide all our students – especially our academically disadvantaged students – with strong training in the emerging fields of science, engineering, and technology is more essential today than ever in our quest to close the achievement gap.

We are excited to share that Gateway will soon have a new, dedicated space that will ignite our students' creativity, foster their critical thinking, and enable them to engage with technology, each other, and the world around them.

The STEAM Center, a renovated 4,000 square foot former locker room on the Gateway High School campus, will include a Maker Lab, enabling students and teachers to tinker, test, prototype, and engage in hands on learning that require real world problem solving.

A committee has been formed composed of faculty, staff, and board members to determine how the center will be designed and equipped to meet the curriculum needs of our two schools.

We are grateful for the philanthropic support that is making this dynamic new initiative possible. Look for additional photos and updates in future issues of The Gate.