Spotlight: Golden Hong

Golden at Gateway High School

When Golden Hong entered Gateway High School as a freshman, he struggled with writing, grammar, and analysis. Now he is graduating Gateway with having received the honor of Highest Academic Achievement. The Highest Academic Achievement Honor award recognizes the senior with the highest grade point average throughout their high school career.

Gateway's rigorous academic program enabled Golden to develop strong writing skills while also providing strong participation in STEM - science, technology, engineering and mathematics – areas that helped shape his desire to pursue a career in engineering.

Golden will be attending the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) in the fall and majoring in engineering. Golden was accepted to many other top engineering schools like New York University and Boston University, ultimately choosing UC San Diego due to the reputation of the engineering program, as well as a great financial aid package.

"UC San Diego has a great engineering program," said Golden. "I'm not entirely sure what type of engineering I want to focus on, but I have the flexibility to switch from computer engineering to bio-medical engineering if I want to, which is nice."
Golden credits Gateway's superb college counseling program for setting expectations for college. "The individual attention you get from college counseling is really helpful and you definitely have an advantage over other students at other public schools," said Golden.

"Gateway's not like other schools," said Golden. He advises the incoming freshmen class to "not be afraid to ask for help." "Everyone is approachable and willing to help you. Don't be afraid to join clubs – they're all filled with welcoming people. Step out of your comfort zone every once in a while. Gateway has so much to offer you if you're not afraid to ask for help. You'll get so much more out of high school."