All About Enrollment

An 8th grade boy receives his promotion certificate

Join Our Learning Community!

We’re thrilled that your family is interested in becoming part of our close-knit school community. Because Gateway is a public charter school, there is no tuition or any other fees associated with attending. 

Our enrollment, however, is based on a lottery system; applying is not a guarantee of admission, and we regularly have many more applicants than spots available each year. Most students apply either before beginning sixth grade (for Gateway Middle), or ninth grade (for Gateway High), but we also welcome a number of transfer students in all grades each year, space permitting. For more information about what it means to be a charter school, click here.

Hear from our students in their own words why Gateway Middle and Gateway High are such great places to learn, grow and thrive!

Enrollment Timeline and Key Dates

Enrollment timeline and key dates
January 31, 2025 - Application deadline to be included in our first lottery.
March 14, 2025 - Lottery for 2025-26 conducted and results made public to all applicants.
March 28, 2025- Final day to accept or decline lottery offers for the 2025-26 school year. 

Applications submitted after the January 31st deadline will go automatically into our wait pool and will be included in all lotteries after the 1st round 1 lottery. After March, lotteries are held on a rolling basis if vacant spaces are available. Contact for more information. 

Connect With Gateway Middle

We're always excited to welcome our youngest students to campus and look forward to growth and learning during their exciting and important middle school years! We invite you to complete an enrollment interest form to ensure you get updates and the latest information about applying to and choosing Gateway Middle. 

female student using a laptop

Connect with Gateway High

Three girls pose for a photo in class

Our Gateway High students bring incredibly diverse experiences, skillsets, perspectives and educational strengths into our classrooms. We're excited for prospective students to explore Gateway High as they consider their goals and dreams, the high school environment experience that is right for them, and their aspirations for college and beyond! We invite you to fill out an interest form to stay updated about enrollment events and deadlines throughout the year. 

Contact Our Enrollment Director

If you have questions about the enrollment process at Gateway, please contact Arlene Paige, Enrollment Director, at (415) 749-3600 or