Gateway High School Charter Renewed by SFUSD

Gateway High School Charter Renewed

The Board of San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) voted unanimously Wednesday to renew Gateway High School's charter for an additional five years. The renewal comes on the heels of three separate reviews conducted by SFUSD, including an examination of the Gateway High School curriculum, an inspection of the budget, and overall approval of the charter application. All three reviews were met with robust attendance of the Gateway community, and many members spoke in favor of the school.

Gateway High School alumnus Emilio Navarro-Perez lent his support at the podium. He said that not only were his instructors and classmates instrumental in teaching him about himself, they helped him surpass all limitations and go on to college. Emilio recently graduated from UC Merced with a 3.56 GPA. "Something happened for me at Gateway that cannot be explained," he told the Board. “I urge you to consider renewing Gateway’s charter.

Teachers Laura D’Amato and Diana Sanchez spoke of the inclusive and supportive environment for the adults at Gateway. Ms. Sanchez, who began her career student teaching at Gateway High School, described a deep, organization-wide commitment to students’ well being, as well as encouraging collaboration with her colleagues. “I, too, feel cared for as a teacher,” she said.

Cynthia Billops, Board Member and Co-Chair of the Gateway High school Parents’ Association, shared about the “rightness” of fit. When she started looking at high schools, she evaluated choices based on the needs of the whole family. “I even like [Gateway's] grown-ups, and since I'm me and I figured I'd probably end up on all the committees, this was pretty important,“ she said. “I would not say that Gateway is the "best" school for every kid, but it is the best school for my kids and I am grateful it exists.”

From Board members to students, from staff to teachers, Gateway’s community showed up loud and proud during this process. We have been honored with another five years to do the critical work that transforms lives and helps students realize even their greatest dreams. All of us at Gateway Public Schools thank everyone who continues to stand by our side.
