Step Up. Do Right. Dream Big...Really Big

Gateway High School step up banner

Each day, students on their way to class at Gateway High School are greeted by these three important imperatives, which adorn our main hallway.  These words, however, are not only a call to action for our students; they also shape our sense of purpose as an organization.  

Gateway Public Schools’ mission grew when we launched our second school in 2011. We were no longer “just” a high school. The question became: “Where do we go from here?” Fueled by fifteen years of success and the incredible work still to be done on behalf of public school students, Gateway decided to step up to help realize one of the most important “big dreams” of all – providing a powerful education for each and every student in public schools everywhere.

Public school students are key to our future, and yet, many do not receive educations that enable them to discover their unique potential, prepare them to attend college, and become leaders, innovators, and drivers of our economy.  At Gateway we have witnessed myriad successes based on the pilot programs we built over the last 15 years. Inspired by the research of Crutchfield and Grant, outlined in Forces for Good: Six Practices of High Impact Nonprofits, we are excited to announce the launch of a series of initiatives that will share our best practices, build strategic partnerships, and provide resources and infrastructure to support students throughout San Francisco and beyond.

What we do next: Engaging the public in our schools

We have seen firsthand the difference that community involvement makes in the lives of our students.  Gateway is fortunate to have a dynamic and active Board and a dedicated parent body. We have also achieved success in engaging the broader community and bringing professionals into partnership with our students. From internships to career forums to college advocacy, individuals and businesses have and continue to serve as role models and volunteers who fuel our students’ dreams and aspirations. When our students have access to these kinds of professionals, we have already provided them with opportunities outside the norm of what exists for many young people. We help them reach past what we call the “opportunity gap.”

Often the task of marrying concerned citizens who believe in public education with the schools who need their help the most keeps many schools from bridging the divide between community and institution. At Gateway we have learned how to connect people outside of the schools with opportunities to volunteer in ways that are meaningful and matter to them.

With all of this in mind, we aim to build on these successful public engagement programs, and look to further develop partnerships with businesses, volunteer organizations, and related nonprofits to expand these programs.  Through continued career mentoring, workplace internships, academic tutoring, and college advocacy, we will capture and develop systematic, scalable ways to make learning feel real for students and open doors for their futures.  In turn, we believe these partnerships will continue to expand and create concrete, impactful ways for each member of the community to make a tangible difference in the life of a public school student. As we have seen in the current climate of crowdsourcing, many seek to do good and help but lack palpable ways of giving back that have measured impact.  With this cyclical relationship model, our community becomes better utilized and more energized.

How you can help: A focus on Gateway’s Internship Program

Currently, students in 10th-12th grades have the option of participating in an internship.  As mentioned above, these internships allow students to spend time with professionals in areas of interest for them and also open up possibilities and aspirations that were previously inconceivable.  We need professionals from our community to Step Up with us to build out this phase of our development and help take our current students to new heights. 

The program is simple: Students are paired with willing community members and spend two hours per week at their workplace for 8-12 weeks.  Internships can be for individual students or small groups.  If you or anyone you know might be interested, please take a moment to fill out our volunteer interest form.  This is an excellent opportunity to make a difference in the life of a Gateway student, share your professional world, and help train the next generation of leaders. Plus, your involvement will help us expand this program and eventually spread this partnership model with evidence and expertise to the rest of our city and nation’s communities, further enriching the lives of everyone in them.

The bottom line is that we have seen these ideas work. Our students succeed in ways they had never imagined. Given the exposure, many of our students also embark on careers never before considered. We see minds open and ideas form. We also hear from volunteers who feel a sense of fulfillment and eagerness to repeat their experiences. This generous give and take is the strength on which we hope to build and widely share our good fortune. With your support, we will.