Instilling a strong sense of responsibility to our communities and to each other is core to the values and educational approach of GHS. Rather than mandating a few service hours as an afterthought for graduation requirements or using community service as a disciplinary measure, service opportunities are thoughtfully woven into the student experience for all four years of high school and across academic subject areas, along with opportunities to explore all that our city has to offer each year during Project Week.
The Bay Area is Your Classroom

Why Emphasize Service?
San Francisco is a world-class city with so much to offer our young people -- and at the same time, it’s a community facing serious challenges. Our robust community service requirement means that students will be engaging with both of those realities: while they’re learning firsthand about local issues and giving back to the community, they’ll also benefit from networking opportunities, college and career advantages, a sense of purpose, and social awareness. This not only benefits the community but also helps shape students into well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of civic responsibility.
Project Week
Project Week is a highlight of the school year for staff and students alike. Taking place between the end of first semester and the beginning of second semester, this “intersession” allows students to step out of the regular routine of their academic classes and take one intensive, in-depth course for a week. Project Week classes are hands-on, interactive, and include multiple field trips and experiential learning.
Some favorite Project Week classes have included The Physics of Snowsports, Edible Adventures, Boxing, Making the Band, the Science of Delicious, Art Outings, Cycling, Photography, Startups for Social Change, Boating and Floating, Hip Hop 101, Earth Activism, and Golden Gate Park Adventures. Watch the video below to get a taste of what it’s all about!
It was a wet, rainy week, but the weather didn't dampen our Gator spirits as students took to the streets, and mountains, and open sea, and ... well you get the idea.