
Green house advisory

Advisory Program

Advisory is a core component of a school in which all students are known well. Gateway's Advisory Program provides a safe environment in which students can strengthen their social-emotional skills and build a sense of community within the larger school. 

Each advisory group of 14-18 students from various grade levels meets twice weekly to cultivate relationships and provide both academic and personal support. Students remain with their advisor and advisory group for all four years, during which the advisor serves as a ‘go to’ person from the transition to high school to the transition to college. 

The advisory program’s curriculum has three key goals:

  • To help faculty know the students and their needs well;
  • To help students know themselves well, especially their learning styles and their goals;
  • To build community among students and staff.

Advisory Houses

Advisory houses at Gateway


  • Foster school community through house events, traditions and competitions;

  • Provide a smaller community in which students and advisors can help to shape school culture and a house identity;

  • Support and reinforce Gateway's mission and values by recognizing students within each house.